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How to Make Old Age Ideal

Updated on March 27, 2020
SANJAY LAKHANPAL profile image

Life is full of several mysteries and the man has always tried to delve deeper to unravel them. New things, events, and researches always in

Unheard Melodies
Unheard Melodies | Source

Introduction to Epilogue

Old age is the last phase in the life of man. Here the pranks of childhood and the vitality of young age come to an end. An old person is a true judge of pains, joys, profits, losses, and colors of life. The experiences and vicissitudes of life make their judgment ripe, wise and practical for which they should feel proud.

No matter, if the society considers you like an obsolete junk. Perhaps, we have failed to make society sensitive towards elders. Take it as a destiny and give it your own shape. After all, ou has been a creator all these years and now you are being provided with another chance to prove yourself, to you only.

Indeed those, whom you loved throughout life are thankless and selfish. They are enjoying the fruits of the hard work, which you did in your life. But the policy of "forget n forgive" gives relief and alleviates all burdens. Sing off the sorrows, as you did in your youthful days.

Those abandoned in old age homes should not remain nostalgic. Share the positive things of life with like ones. Remember your offspring will also meet the similar fate. The households which discard their elders become the ghost places sans heritage and culture.

To become old is a natural process, but it is not necessary that every old person becomes an elder. In old age, the ego, ambitions, anger and obstinacy should be abandoned to become a loving and inspiring elder.

Not cynicism and jealousy but patience, peace, insight and wisdom are the things which are expected from the elders. Old person and the elder one are two different things. The latter is a graceful individual, while the former is a pathetic figure.

As an elder, you can be a reliable guide, but do not intrude. The grand ones are like a roof giving a sense of shelter and shade. They are the best friends of grandchildren, but the nuclear families have snatched this privilege from all. Find the children where ever you can like in neighborhood etc.

Don't get irritated with physical or mental illness, rather consider it as a part of old age. Face it with courage and fortitude and try to live with peace, self-dignity, and satisfaction.

Journey...... | Source

Disengagement Theory

This theory explains the mutual withdrawal between the society and its elders. It occurs in anticipation of imminent death, both by the society and the elders. The old people are generally devoid of work and family responsibilities, with ample time to relax en fete, and little interaction or action. But exceptionally, some old people are not found to be disengaged.

The aging phenomenon and the responses to it are directly proportional to the society in which the old person lives. Hence the disengagement theory is related to those societies which are nonchalant towards the existence of its elders.

The present societies give emphasis to efficiency and contribution of a person, and the old people fail to meet these requirements, unlike the younger ones. Such societies consider the old people merely a burden. This attitude induces mutual distrust and disengagement between the old people on one hand and the society on the other.

Tragically, according to this theory, the old people voluntarily disengage themselves for the benefit of society in general and the family in particular.

The Activity Theory

The converse of "Disengagement theory" is the "Activity Theory".

This theory of aging and old age states that the psycho-emotional, physical, mental and social needs of the old people are no more different than the younger or middle-aged members of the society.

The old people have the same needs and the same emotional backup.

It is, therefore, abnormal and unnatural on the part of older people to withdraw and isolate themselves.

This is also named as the "Implicit Theory of Aging".

Solve  the old age jigsaw puzzle
Solve the old age jigsaw puzzle | Source

Is Old Age a Burden

Old age is a new experience, not a burden. On this last threshold of life, all we have is a heap of memories, where we do both speaking and listening to ourselves.

Devoid of direction, the old age still cherishes the desire to live. So why not live fully and completely, despite several handicaps. Don't let old age kill your self-confidence.

People may avoid you, but change is the law of nature, and the older things have to give way to new ones. It is within your power to either make it cheerful or pathetic. Don't confine yourself to a single stage, a single thought or a single place. Try to solve this last jigsaw puzzle of life, and your experiences will certainly make it easy for you.

Remain busy
Remain busy | Source

Health in Old Age

The physical prowess certainly declines in old age. This inevitability is quite natural in the life cycle of the man.

The physical well-being of a man changes from childhood to old age, through the intermediate phases of adolescence and adulthood. Every stage of life has special health perspectives.

In old age, many complicated health problems pop up like osteoporosis, blood pressure, diabetes etc.

The main problem is related to indigestion which is a source of all maladies. So eat good and eat moderately.

Focus on the strength of the digestive system. Avoid constipation. Take salad with food as it helps in digestion.

Avoid greasy food and take enough fiber regularly.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are good for overall health.

Go out for long walks and if this is not possible, then exercise daily according to your capacity or medical advice.

Meditate regularly and go for Yoga.

Listen to our favorite music. as the plants too respond to the music.

Avoid Stress

Avoid all types of stress and keep your mind healthy. Don't nourish expectations from the family. Unfulfilled expectations lead to dissatisfaction, which disturbs the mental peace and soon health problems spring up as a consequence.

Abstain from unnecessarily interfering in the affairs of others to remain free from stress. As you have lived your life as per your expectations and don't expect others to live as per your formula. Take the role of a guide not of a director, as it will create unwanted clashes. Don't let stress overshadow your daily routine.

The sense of feeling healthy, laughter and cheerfulness generate positive hormones in the body, which are good for physical and mental health.

Food, behavior, and thoughts will make old age easy and comfortable.

Massage in Old Age

Since ancient times, the massage has been used as a means to cure several diseases or to make the body free from maladies. It is a process to press the muscles and to soothe the joints. It generates blood in the body especially head massage.

Acupressure also emphasizes the importance of massage where the focus is made on special points of the body. People with stress get relief by massage. It activates the nervous system and nourishes the body. With massage, the minerals like iron. calcium, phosphorus, protein, fats, and vitamins are best assimilated by the body.

Foot massage, hand massage, body massage are some of the types of massages. The head massage is the best because it delays the symptoms of old age.

Some Tips

Be positive about life.

Always keep yourself busy.

Avoid smoking and drinking.

Don't be priggish or peevish.

Go for a regular medical check-up.

Take enough sleep for mental health.

Spend time with family members and children.

Regularly go for long walks and take exercises daily.

Take a balanced diet containing fruits, fibers, and vegetables.

Use seat belts while driving to save yourself from accidents and jerks.

Give time for social service and meet the people and friends of your age.

Don't go to damp places and walk carefully in bathrooms so that you may not slip because the bones generally become brittle in old age.

© 2013 Sanjay Sharma


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